A two-part implant fitted with an internal taper connection and a roughened chamfered subcortical shoulder. This positioning, combined with the ‘tulip-shaped’ profile of the prosthetic components, allows a progressive emergence profile to be developed for future prosthesis.
The implants can be used in one or two surgical phases. Numerous healing screw formats allow the emergence profile to be shaped to match the biotype and diameter of the future tooth.
The hexagon set into the apical part of the internal taper allows the prosthesis components to be repositioned in the mouth once customised by the laboratory. The anti-rotational property of the final components, once in place, is ensured by the ‘Morse’ effect via the interlocking of the male taper inside the female taper of 8° (2×4°).
The external profile of the In-Kone® UNIVERSAL is cylindroconical and is fitted with a double progressive thread which procures primary implant stability through screwing. The SA2 surface condition is obtained by sandblasting followed by etching.
The In-Kone® UNIVERSAL implant is installed using the ULTIMATE surgical kit. The drilling protocol is common to the PRIMO In-Kone® implants twinKon® and the 3.0 Implant.